Ibn Hazm’s understanding of the miracle VS the believers of Haazir Naazir.

Ibn Hazm’s understanding of the miracle VS the believers of Haazir Naazir.

Ibn Hazm said regarding one of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) miracle.

وزويت له الأرض فأرى مشارقها ومغاربها وأنذر ببلوغ ملك أمته ما زوى له منها فكان ذلك ؛ وبلغ ملكهم من أول المشرق إلى بلاد السند والترك إلى آخر المغرب من سواحل البحر المحيط بالأندلس وبلاد البربر ولم يتسعوا في الجنوب والشمال كل الإتساع أعني مثل اتساعهم شرقا وغربا فكان كما أخبر سواء بسواء
The earth was brought together for him (peace be upon him) so that he (peace be upon him) could see all the victories going to happen (for Muslims) in the east and the west. He (peace be upon him) was informed about the land(of his ummah) from east i.e. sindh and Turkistan to west.. Andalusia and Berber.They (Muslims) were spread North, south, west and east all around. And this is what exactly happened according to the information (of Prophet peace be upon him).

[Jama`e al Seerah by Ibn Hazm page 14]

Whenever we read the understanding of classical scholars, it always contradict modern understanding of some people. How easily Ibn Hazm informed the realities of these ahadith, but some people made it too complicated by saying these ahadith mean Prophet peace be upon him is haazir naazir everywhere.