Story of at-Tabarani and Ibn al Muqri regarding asking help from the Prophet peace be upon him

Story of at-Tabarani and Ibn al Muqri regarding asking help from the Prophet peace be upon him.

Imam ad-Dahabi said that :

وروى عن أبي بكر بن أبي علي ، قَالَ : كان ابن المقرئ ، يقول : كنت أنا والطبراني ، وأبو الشيخ بالمدينة ، فضاق بنا الوقت ، فواصلنا ذَلِكَ اليوم ، فلما كان وقت العشاء حضرت القبر ، وقلت : يا رَسُول اللَّهِ الجوع ، فقال لي الطبراني : اجلس ، فإما أن يكون الرزق ، أو الموت.

فقمت أنا وأبو الشيخ ، فحضر الباب علوي ، ففتحنا له ، فإذا معه غلامان بقفتين فيهما شيء كثير ، وقال : شكوتموني إِلَى النَّبِيّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ؟ رأيته في النوم ، فأمرني بحمل شيء إليكم

Abu Bakr al-Minqari said, I was with al-Tabarani and Abu al-Shaykh inMadina. We became hungry that day and the next we didn’t eat. When it was time for `isha, I came to the Prophet’s grave and I said: “O Messenger of Allah, we are hungry! atTabrani said to me: Sit, Either there will be food for us, or death. I slept and Abu al-Shaykh slept, an `Alawi came knocking at the door with two boys, each one carrying basket filled with food. they said: O people, did you complain to the Prophet? I saw him in my sleep and he ordered me to bring something to you. [Tadhkira tul Huffaz vol 3 under the tarjuma of Ibn alMuqri, Seyar A`lam an Nubala]


a) This narration is weak according to ad-Dahabi as He mentioned it with seegha tamreedh (روي) , [See براءة أهل السنة من الوقيعة في علماء الأُمة by Bakr Abu Zaid]

b) The Muhaqqiq of Seyar says, This is Mardood, Note: The Muhaqqieen of Seyar Ailam an-Nubala are many supervised by Shaykh Shoayb al Arana’oot al Hanafi.

c) No where does the narration mentioned that at-Tabarani asked help, rather when Ibn al Muqari said “O Rasool we are hungry”, Immediately at-Tabarai rebuked him saying “Sit, Either there will be food for us, or death.” He did not come along and say O Rasool Allah help us, he just rebuked him. Neither al Muqri said Ya Rasool Allah Agithni (Help us). If someone says in grief at the grave of his mother or father or any shaykh O my mother we are hungry, he is not asking help rather he is just in grief.

The aqeeda of Imam ad-Dahabi

1. Imam ad-Dahabi said regarding these types of deviants who ask help from the pious people, He said regarding Sayyeda an-Nafeesa and the shirki aqeeda of people for her grave that:

“And the ignorant among the Egyptians have belief in her which is beyond description, and it is impermissible (to hold such belief) because of the Shirk that is in it, and they prostrate to her grave and seeking isthighfar from her and like that of idol worshipers[Seyar Ailam Nubala 10/106]

2. ad-Dahabi said:

Prophet peace be upon him was Syed ul Bashar, He used to eat, drink, sleep, call of nature, get sick, serve medicine for cure and to clean his mouth he used Miswak. May My Parents will die on you , When Prophet peace be upon him died same things were done to him which are done with other Human beings, Means he was given Ghusul, Kafan, and his Grave was dig out and then he was buried.[Meezan al Itedal 2/649]

3. He said regarding the hadith “The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Observe part of the Salat (prayers) in your homes. Do not turn your homes into graves.”
This Hadith has a pure chain and a good text, there is prohibition in it to bury in the houses, There is another shahid of this with another chain. Prophet peace be upon himforbade to make structures over the graves and If people would bury in the houses than there would be no difference between the house and graveyards, While the tanzeehi or tehreemi prohibition of praying in shrines is present. [Seyar Ailam an-Nubala vol 2 pages 29-30]

4. Imam ad-Dahabi said

Indeed the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) has cursed the one who takes a grave as a place of worship.[Seyar Ailaam an-Nubala 16/264]

5. Imam at-Tabarani wrote Kitab ad-Dua in which he mentioned the supplications of the Prophet peace be upon him, the book has 345 chapters and 2251 ahadith.

Imam at-Tabaraani (may Allah have mercy on him) said in the introduction to his book ad-Du‘aa’ (22):

“هذا كتاب ألفته جامعا لأدعية رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، حداني على ذلك أني رأيت كثيرا من الناس قد تمسكوا بأدعية سجع ، وأدعية وضعت على عدد الأيام مما ألفها الوَرَّاقون ، لا تروى عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، ولا عن أحد من أصحابه ، ولا عن أحد من التابعين بإحسان ، مع ما روي عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من الكراهية للسجع في الدعاء والتعدي فيه ، فألفت هذا الكتاب بالأسانيد المأثورة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم”

I wrote this book to bring together the du‘aa’s of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). What prompted me to do that was the fact that I saw many people consistently reciting du‘aa’s in rhymed prose, or du‘aa’s that were fabricated by some storytellers, who allocated a different du‘aa’ for different days, which were not narrated from the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) or from any of his Companions, or from any of those who followed him in truth, despite the reports narrated from the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) stating that it is disliked to compose du‘aa’s in the form of rhymed prose and go to extremes in doing so. So I wrote this book, with isnaads that go back to the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him. End quote.

Not a single hadith prescribed asking help from the auliyah. He only mentioned one chapter dedicated to the Asking the pious from ahlul bayt to ask Allah for rain at times of drought.

That’s it. But we have Sufis claiming “Gawth al Adham” Abdul Qadir Jeylani Rahimaullah help those who PRAY Salat al Gawthia and Junaid Baghdadi help those who ask him for help, so on and on.