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Sahabiyaat were not lazy, they were fit

Sahabiyaat were fit. Names of some Sahabiyat who killed roman fighters. Ibn Kathir said: وقد قاتل نساء المسلمين في هذا اليوم وقتلوا خلقا كثيراً من الروم، منهن: خولة بنت الأزور, وخولة بنت ثعلبة الأنصارية وكعوب بنت مالك بن عاصم, وسلمى بنت هاشم, ونعم بنت فياض,…

Umar bin al Khattab and Big tummies

Umar bin al Khattab and Big tummies. 1. Al Alusi mentioned: وأخرج أبو نعيم عن عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله تعالى عنه قال: إياكم والبطنة من الطعام والشراب فإنها مفسدة للجسد مورثة للسقم مكسلة عن الصلاة وعليكم بالقصد فيهما فإنه أصلح للجسد وأبعد من السرف…

Umar ibn al-Khattab and Uthman ibn Affan ruled that people who had committed adultery but claimed that they did not know it was forbidden in Islam should not be punished.

Umar ibn al-Khattab and Uthman ibn Affan ruled that people who had committed adultery but claimed that they did not know it was forbidden in Islam should not be punished. It is mentioned in al Musannaf Abdul Razzaq باب لا حد إلا على من علمه…

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